Personal information
Name: Yihang Hao
Office: Room 509, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Sciences,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Telephone: (86)-571-86918034
Sep.2003-July.2007, B.S. in Science,Department of Mathematics, Shandong University of Science andTechnology, P. R. China
Sep. 2008-July 2013, Ph. D in Science,Department of Mathematics,Fudan University, P. R. China
Professional Working Experience
2013- present, Lecture, School ofSciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
My research interests is PartialDifferential Equations.
Selected Publications
Yihang Hao,Xian-gaoLiu,Theexistence and blow-up criterion of liquid crystals system in criticalBesov space,Communicationson Pure and Applied Analysis,2014,13(1):225-236
Yuming Chu,YihangHao*,Xian-gaoLiu,Globalweak solutions to a general liquid crystalssystem.,Discrete&ContinuousDynamical Systems, Series A,2013,33(7):2681-2710
Yihang Hao,Xian-gaoLiu,Incompressiblelimit of a Compressible Liquid Crystals System.,ActaMathematica Scientia, Series B,2013,33B(3):781-796
Wenya Ma, Yihang Hao, Xiangao Liu. Shape optimization in compressibleliquid crystals. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis,2015, 14 (5) : 1623-1639.
Research on Part of Regularity andWell-posedness to Dynamic Liquid Crystals System,
No. 11526068, Year: 2016-2016,
National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China
Patents Granted