Name: Bin Han
Professional title: Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, School of Science
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Address: Room 404, No.6, Teaching and researchbuilding, Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou, 310018, ZhejiangProvince, PRC
Tel:+86 (0571) 86919034, 18601680433
1、Zhejiang University(ZJU), Ph. D. Mathematics, 2010.09-2013.09
Advisor: Professor Daoyuan Fang
2、Ningbo University(NBU) , Master,Mathematics, 2007.09-2010.07
Advisor: Professor Xiangxing Tao
3、Jiangxi Normal University(JXNU), B. A. , Mathematics, 2003.09-2007.07
1、Department of math. , School ofSCI. , Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2016. 04---
2、Courant Institute of MathematicalSicence, New York University, Visiting Scholar, 2018. 09-2019.09,Co-Advisor: Prof. Fanghua Lin.
3、School of mathematical science,Fudan university, Post doctor, 2014.01-2016.01
Co-Advisor: Prof. Zhen Lei.
4、 T. U. Darmstadt, Germany,Sino-German Cooperation project , 2011.10-2012.01
Co-Advisor: Prof. Matthias Hieber.
1、TheNational Science Foundation of China (11701131) for 2018-2020 (headof the project)
2、ZhejiangProvincial Natural Science Foundation of China (LQ17A010007)for 2012-2014 (head of theproject)
3、TheNational Science Foundation of China, Tianyuan (11626075) for 2017-2017 (head ofthe project)
Myresearch area is in harmonic ****ysis, PDEs, and Mathematical Theoryin Fluid Mechanics. Much of my research focuses on the study of thelocal/global theory of compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokesequations and other related systems.
1.Onthe critical blow up criterion with one velocity component for 3Dincompressible MHD system. 2020, 52, 10300. (with Na Zhao)
2.Globalwell-posedness for the 3D primitive equations in anisotropicframework, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2020, 484: 1-22(with D. Fang)
3.SharpOne Component Regularity for Navier-Stokes. Arch. Rational Mech.Anal. 2019, 231(2), 939-970. (with Zhen Lei, Dong Li and NaZhao)
4.Spreadingof the free boundary of relativistic Euler equations in a vacuum.Mathematical research letters, 2018, 25(6), 2017-2033. ( with C. Wei)
5.Globalregularity to the Navier-Stokes equations for a class of largeinitial data. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2018,23(2),262-286. (with Y. Chen)
6.Globalwell-posedness for the inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations withlogarithmical hyper-deissipation. Discreet and continuous Dynamicsystem,2016, 36(12), 6921-6941. (with C. Wei)
7. Globalstrong solution for the density dependent incompressible viscoelasticfluids in the critical L^p framework. Nonlinear****ysis-TMA,2016,132,337–358.
8.Globalexistence for the 2D Navier-Stokes flow in the exterior of a movingor rotating obstacle, Kineticand Related Models, 2016,9(4), 767-776.(with S. Shao, W. Xu)
9.Globalsolution for the generalized anisotropic Navier-Stokes equations withlarge data. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2015, 20(2),205-231. (with D. Fang)
10. Localand global existence results for the Navier-Stokes equations in therotational framework. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis,2015, 14(2), 609-622. (with D. Fang and M. Hieber)
11.Globalexistence results for the Navier-Stokes equations in the rotationalframework in Fourier-Besov spaces,OperatorTheroy, Advance and Applications,2015,250:199-211.(with D. Fang and M. Hieber)
12.Globalexistence in critical spaces for density-dependent incompressibleviscoelastic fluids. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2014,130, 51–80.(with D. Fang and T. Zhang)
13. Globalwell-posedness result for density-dependent incompressible viscousfluid in R^2 with linearly growing initial velocity. MathematicalMethods in the Applied Sciences, 2013 36(8), 921-935. (with D. Fangand T. Zhang)