GAO Guilian - 高贵连



Personal information

Name: GuilianGao

Office: Room 404,6nd Building South,Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation:School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86919034



Sep. 2007-Jun.2009, B.S. in Science, Schoolof Mathematics, Shandong NormalUniversity, P. R. China

Sep. 2009-Jun.2014, Ph. D in Science, Departmentof Mathematics, Zhejiang University, P. R. China

Professional WorkingExperience

Jan.2018-Present, Associate Professor,School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Aug.2019-Aug. 2020,Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,Macquarie University,NSW, Australia

Sep.2017-Feb. 2018,Associate Professor, College of Scienceand Technology, Aksu Campus,Xinjiang University, Xinjiang, P. R.China

Jun.2014-Dec. 2017,Lecturer, School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Sep.2012-Jun. 2014,Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou, P. R. China


My research interestis Harmonic Analysis. The research works that I have completedin the past include:

Someestimates of Hardy operators and Hausdorff operators.

Someestimates of intrinsic square functions.

Somenew results about the massless Dirac operator.


GuilianGao, Xiaomin Hu*, ChunjieZhang, Sharp weak estimates for Hardy-type operators, Annals ofFunctional Analysis, 7 (3), 421-433, 2016.

GuilianGao, Fayou Zhao*, Sharpweak bounds for Hausdorff operators, Analysis Mathematica, 41 (3),163-173, 2015.

GuilianGao*, Xiaomei Wu, WeichaoGuo, Some results for Hausdorff operators, Mathematical Inequalities& Applications, 18 (1), 155-168, 2015.

GuilianGao*, Yun Fan, Sharpbounds for multilinear Hausdorff operators, Acta Mathematica Sinica,Chinese Series, 58 (1), 153-160, 2015.

GuilianGao*, Amjad Hussain,(Lp-Lq)-boundedness of Hausdorff operators with power weight onEuclidean spaces,  Analysis in Theory and Applications, 31 (2),101-108, 2015.

GuilianGao*,Yong Zhong, Estimates of three classical summations on the spaces ,Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 29(3), 329-338, 2014.

GuilianGao, Xiaomei Wu*,Estimates of intrinsic square functions on generalized weightedMorrey spaces, Journal of Function Spaces, 2014, Art. ID 168381, 1-8,2014.

GuilianGao*, Yong Zhong, Someinequalities for Hausdorff operators, Mathematical Inequalities &Applications, 17 (3), 1061-1078, 2014.

YongZhong, Guilian Gao*, Somenew results about the massless Dirac operator, Journal ofMathematical Physics, 54 (043510), 1-26, 2013.

Selected SupportingFunding

Boundednessand compactness associated with averaging operators, No. 11701130,

Year: 2018-2020,National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China

Weightedboundedness of Hardy type operators and Hausdorff type operators, No.11526067, Year: 2016-2016,National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China