CHEN Ji - 陈吉



Personal information

Name: Chen Ji

Office: Room 412, No.6 BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation: Faculty of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86878594



PHD National University of Singapore,2013

MA  Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2008

BA   Hangzhou  Normal University, 2005

Professional Working Experience

June 2013- Oct 2013: ResearchAssistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., NationalUniversity of Singapore

Nov 2013-Present: Teacher, AppliedMathematics Dept., Hangzhou Dianzi University


1. Semiconductor spintronics includingspin-orbit effects, spin current, and spin orbit torque

2. Quantum game theory includingquantum version of static and dynamics game theories

Selected Publications

1. J. Chen*, M. B. A. Jalil, S. G. Tan,S.B. Siu, and Y. Z. Peng,  Spin torques due to various linearspin-orbit coupling in semiconductor and graphene systems in theadiabatic limit, Europhysics letters (EPL), 118, 27002(2017).

2. J. Chen*, Y. Z. Peng, and J. Zhou,Current-induced Rashba spin orbit torque in silicene, Journal ofMagneti** and Magnetic Materials, 432, 554 (2017).

3. J. Chen, M. B. A. Jalil*, and S. G.Tan*, Current-Induced Spin Torque on Magnetization Textures Coupledto the Topological Surface States of Three-Dimensional TopologicalInsulators, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 83(6), 064710 (2014).

4. J. Chen, M. B. A. Jalil*, and S. G.Tan*, Spin Torque on the Surface of Graphene in the Presence of SpinOrbit Splitting, AIP Advances 3, 062127 (2013).

5. J. Chen*, M. B. A. Jalil, and S. G.Tan, Spin Interference in Rashba Metal Ring in a Time-DependentMagnetic Field, J.  Appl. Phys 103, 17C506 (2013).

6. J. Chen*, M. B. A. Jalil, and S. G.Tan*, Spin Torque due to Non-uniform Rashba Spin Orbit Effect, AIP.Advances 2, 042133 (2012).

7. J. Chen*, M. B. A. Jalil, and S. G.Tan, Tunable Magnetic Flux Sensor Using a Metallic Rashba Ring withHalf-metal Electrodes, J.  Appl. Phys 109, 07C722 (2011).

8. J. Chen, J.J.Jiang*, and S. H. Hong,Quantum Repeated Pricing Game, Quantum Information Processing, 19, 42(2020).


1. Spin torques due to variousspin-orbit coupling in linear spin-orbit coupling and two-dimensionalconductor systems, Fund from the National Natural Science Foundationof China (Grant No. 51401069)

2. Quantum Repeated Game and QuantumSequential Game, Fund from Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince (Grant No. LY19A050004)