Personal information
Name: WentaoCai
Office: Room 404,6nd Building Middle, Hangzhou DianziCampus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation:School of Science, Hangzhou DianziUniversity
Telephone: (86)-0571-86919034
Sep. 2014-July2018, Ph. D in Science, Department ofMathematics and statistics, XianJiaotong University, P. R. China
Professional WorkingExperience
2018-present,Lecture, School of Sciences, HangzhouDianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
My research interestsinclude finite element methods for PDEs, finitedifference methods for PDEs. finite volume methods for PDEs. Mainworks focus on numerical method for strong nonlinear equations,nonlinear PDE with weak coefficient, Lp regularity of numericalsolutions for parabolic equations.
WentaoCai, Buyang Li, Yanping Lin, and WeiweiSun, Analysis of fully discrete FEMs for miscible displacement inporous media with Bear-Scheidegger diffusion-dispersion tensor,Numerische Mathematik,141(4), 1009–1042(2019),
WentaoCai, Buyang Li, and Ying Li, Errorestimates for a stabilized finite element method for incompressibleflow with variable density, ESAIM:Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,DOI: 10.1051/m2an /2020029
WentaoCai, Jilu Wang, and Kai Wang,Convergence ****ysis of Crank-Nicolson Galerkin-Galerkin FEMs formiscible displacement in porous media, Journalof Scientific Computing,DIO:10.1007/ s10915-020-01194-0
WentaoCai, Jian Li, and Zhangxin Chen,Unconditional convergence and optimal error estimates of the Eulersemi-implicit scheme for a generalized nonlinear Schrödingerequation, Advances in ComputationalMathematics, 42(6), 1311–1330(2016)
WentaoCai, Dongdong He, and Kejia Pan, Anenergy conservative Galerkin finite element method for the cubicnonlinear Schrodinger equation with wave operator, AppliedNumerical Mathematics, 140, 183-198(2019).
WentaoCai, Jian Li, and Zhangxin Chen,Unconditional optimal error estimates for BDF2-FEM for a nonlinearSchrödinger equation, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics,331, 23-41(2018).
Maximal Lp-regularityof finite element solutions of parabolic equations and itsapplications to error ****ysis,
No. 11901142,Year: 2020-2022
National NaturalFoundation of China, , P. R. China