QIU Zheyong - 裘哲勇


Photo (个人近照)

Personal information

Name: Zheyong Qiu

Office: Room300-3, 6nd Building(South), Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation: Schoolof Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86873878

E-Mail: qzy@hdu.edu.cn


Sep. 1981-July 1985, B.S. , Department of Mathematics, East ChinaNormal University, P. R. China

Sep. 1988-Jan. 1991, M.S. , Department ofMathematics and Mechanics, Southeast University, P. R. China

ProfessionalWorking Experience

1985-1988, Assistant, Department of Foundation Courses, HangzhouInstitute of Electronic Engineering, Hangzhou, P. R. China

1991-1997, Lecture, Department of Foundation Courses, HangzhouInstitute of Electronic Engineering, Hangzhou, P. R. China

1997-2013, Associate Professor, Schoolof Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou DianziUniversity, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2013-present, Professor, Schoolof Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China


My research interests include Differential equations, Mathematicalmodelling, and Network control issues. The research works that I havecompleted in the past include:

Theory and application of partialdifferential equations .

Research on Mathematical Modeling ofPractical Problems in Engineering and Management.


[1] Zheyong Qiu, Existence anduniqueness of Common fixed points for two multivalued operators inordered metric spaces,Computers and Mathematics withApplications63(8),1279-1286,2012.

[2]Zheyong Qiu, Shihang Hong, Coupledfixed points for multivalued mappings in fuzzy metric spaces, FixedPoint Theory and Applications 2013, 2013:162doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2013-162.

[3] Zheyong Qiu, Shihang Hong, Triple positive solutions of nth orderimpulsive integro-differential

equations,Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory ofDifferentialEquations, 57, 1-13,2011.

[4]Zhiwei Li, Zheyong Qiu,Weigang Sun. Pinning lag synchronization between two dynamicalnetworks with non-derivative and derivative couplings.Kybernetika, 2016, 52(4):648-660.

[5]Zhengxiong Li, Zheyong Qiu, Zhen Hua, Xuerui Feng,An Improved Leaf Model based onChaosInformationTechnology Journal23(12),7476-7480,2013.

[6]Shihuang Hong , ZheyongQiu, Fixed Points ofDiscontinuous Multivalued Operators in Ordered Spaces withApplications, Fixed Point Theory andApplications,2010,ArticleID745769,13pages,


[7]Yuexu Zhao, Zheyong Qiu, Chunguo Zhang, Yehua Zhao,The rates in complete moment

convergencefor negatively associated sequencesComputational& Applied Mathematics,


[8] Qianyi Sun ,Zheyong Qiu, Hong Yeand Zhiyao Wan, Multinational CorporationLocation Plan under Multiple Factors Journal of Physics: Conf. Series1168 (2019) 032012, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1168/3/032012.

[9]Chen Guangting , Qiu Zheyong, Mathematical Modeling( "The 12thFive-Year Plan" General

HigherEducation undergraduate national planning textbook),Higher EducationPress, P. R. China


[10] Qiu Zheyong, Pan JianjiangPracticeof Mathematical ModelingXi'anUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology PressP.R. China ,2019.


[1]Mathematical Modeling and Research on Population Regulation fromIndividual Scale Perspective, No. 11271104,Year: 2013-2016,National Natural Foundation of China, , P. R. China.

[2] Researchon the Algorithm of Several Minimum Networks and Their IntegratedCombination Optimization Problems, No. 11571252, Year:2016-2019,National Natural Foundation of China, , P. R. China.

[3] Focusingon individual hierarchical biological population systems--Evolutionprediction and regulation, No. 11871185,Year: 2019-2021,National Natural Foundation of China, , P. R. China.