LIU Suyu - 刘苏雨


Photo (个人近照)

Personal information

Name: Liu, Suyu

Office: Room 404, 6th BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation: Department ofMathematics, School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86919035



Sep. 2007-June 2011, B.S. of Science,School of Mathematics and System Science, Taishan University, P. R.China

Sep. 2011-June 2014, M.S. of Science,School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University ofElectronic Technology, P. R. China

Sep. 2014-July 2018, Doctor of Sciencein Engineering, Department of Dynamics and Control, BeihangUniversity, P. R. China

Professional Working Experience

Aug. 2018-present, Lecture, School ofSciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Sep. 2016-Dec. 2017, Visiting Scholar,Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas,USA


My research interests includecomputational neuroscience and its inverse problem, for example, forthe modeling ****ysis and control for the seizure mechani**s ofepilepsy, for the source tracing to inversely recognize seizures byEEG/ MRI data. And I also study biological mathematics, especially indynamics modeling ****ysis and control for the foreign bodyinflammation and the epidemic problem.

Selected Publications

Liu S., Wang Q. Transition dynamics ofgeneralized multiple epileptic seizures associated with thalamicreticular nucleus excitability: A computational study. Communicationsin Nonlinear science and Numerical simulation, 2017, 52: 203-213.

Liu S., Wang Q., Fan D.Disinhibition-induced delayed onset of epileptic spike-wavedischarges in a five-variable model of cortex and thalamus. Frontiersin Computational Neuroscience,2016, 10: 28.


Research on the epileptiformsynchronization and its transition mechani**s in plastic neuronalnetworks regulated by astrocytes

No. 11902106, Year: 2020-2022

National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China