Personal information
Name: Mingyan He
Office: Room 412, 6nd BuildingMiddle, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Telephone: (86)-571-86878594
Sep. 2003—Jul.2007, B.S. in Science, Department of Mathematics, Shandong University(Weihai), P. R. China
Sep. 2007—Mar.2010,M.S. in Science, Department of Mathematics, Tongji University, P. R.China
Mar. 2010—Jul.2013, Ph. D in Science, Department of Mathematics, Tongji University,P. R. China
Professional Working Experience
2013-present, Lecture, School ofScience, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
07/01/2019—06/30/2020, VistitingScholar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
07/10/2014—09/10/2014, VistitingScholar, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
My primary research interests areNumerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations, NumericalAnalysis, Finite Element Method, Finite Volume Method, Fast Solver,and Scientific and Engineering Computing with applications to fluiddynamics, fluid-structure interaction, hydrodynamics,electro-hydrodynamics, fuel cell dynamics, ion channel and etc.
Selected Publications
MingyanHe, Pengtao Sun, Mixed finite element ****ysis for thePoisson-Nernst-Planck/Stokes coupling, Journal of Computational andApplied Mathematics,2018,341, 61-79.
MingyanHe, Pengtao Sun, Error ****ysis of mixed finite element method forPoisson-Nernst-Planck system, Numerical Methods for PartialDifferential Equations , 2017, 33, 1924-1948.
ChengWang, Mingyan He*,Pengtao Sun, A new combined finite element-upwind finite volumemethod for the convection-dominated diffusion problems, NumericalMethods for Partial Differential Equations, 2016, 32(3), 799-818
MingyanHe, Pengtao Sun, Cheng Wang, Ziping Huang, A two-grid combinedfinite element-upwind finite volume method for a nonlinearconvection-dominated diffusion reaction equation, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 288, 223-232.
LuwenWang, Mingyan He, Yue Hu,ect.,A "4-cell" modular passive DMFC (direct methanol fuelcell) stack for portable applications, Energy, 2015, 82, 225-239.
MingyanHe, Ziping Huang, Pengtao Sun, Cheng Wang, Modeling and numericalstudies for a 3D two-phase mixed-domain model of PEM fuel cell,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2013, 160(4), F324-F336.
MingyanHe, Ziping Huang, Pengtao Sun, An overlapping domain decompositionmethod for a 3D PEMFC model, Cheng Wang, Lecture Notes inComputational Science and Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,2013, 91, 119-126.
YuzhouSun, Mingyan He, Pengtao Sun, Numerical ****ysis of finite elementmethod for a transient two-phase transport model of polymerelectrolyte fuel cell, Procedia Computer Science, 2013, 18,2167-2176.
MingyanHe, Ziping Huang, Cheng Wang, Pengtao Sun, An efficient two-gridmethod for a two-phase mixed-domain model of polymer exchangemembrane fuel cell, Procedia Computer Science, 2012, 9, 689-698.
MingyanHe, Ziping Huang, Cheng Wang, Pengtao Sun, An overlapping domaindecomposition method for a polymer exchange membrane fuel cellmodel, Procedia Computer Science,2011, 4,1343-1352.
MingyanHe, Su Zhou, Ziping Huang and Pengtao Sun, SIMULINK/FLUENT basedcollaborative simulation for PEM fuel cells, Journal of SystemSimulation, 2011, 23(1), 38-43.
Modeling and numerical studies ofdynamic polymer exchange membranefuel cell model withstartup-shutdown operating conditions,
No. 11401150, Year: 2015-2017
National Natural Foundation of China ,P. R. China