Name: An Zhang
Office: Room 300-4, 6th BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Sciences,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Telephone: (86)-571-86873877
2004 - 2009 Ph.D of Operations Research, Zhejiang University, China
Visiting student atHongKong University, Hongkong, China (Feb 2009)
2000 - 2004 Mathematics at Chu Kechen Honors College, Zhejiang University,China
Professional Working Experience
2019 - present Professor, School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University,China
Visiting Scholarat University of Alberta, Canada (Aug 2019 - Aug 2020)
Visiting Scholarat Tokyo Denki University, Japan (Feb 2019)
2011 - 2018 AssociateProfessor, School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China
Visiting scholarat University of Alberta, Canada (July 2018 - Sept 2018)
Visiting scholarat HKUST, Hongkong, China (July 2014 - Jan 2015)
2009 – 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow,Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University, China
I am currently interested in designingand ****yzing approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimizationproblems that arise in graph, network, sche****ng, etc.
Selected Publications
1. An Zhang, Yong Chen, ZhizhongChen, Guohui Lin*: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Path VertexCovers in Regular Graphs, Algorithmica,
2. An Zhang, Xiangtong Qi*,Guanhua Li: Machine sche****ng with soft precedence constraints,European Journal of Operational Research, 282 (2), 491-505, 2020.
3. An Zhang, Yong Chen, LinChen, Guangting Chen: On the NP-hardness of sche****ng with timerestrictions. Discrete Optimization, 28: 54-62, 2018.
4. An Zhang*, Wenshuai Zhang,Yong Chen, Guangting Chen, Xufeng Chen: Approximate the sche****ng ofquay cranes with non-crossing constraints. European Journal ofOperational Research, 258(3), 820-828, 2017.
5. An Zhang, Feilang Ye, YongChen, Guangting Chen: Better permutations for the single-processorsche****ng with time restrictions. Optimization Letters, 11(4),715-724, 2017.
6. An Zhang*, Hongjun Wang, YongChen, Guangting Chen: Sche****ng jobs with equal processing times anda single server on parallel identical machines. Discrete AppliedMathematics, 213, 196-206, 2016.
7. An Zhang, Yiwei Jiang, LidanFan, Jueliang Hu: Optimal online algorithms on two hierarchicalmachines with tightly-grouped processing times. Journal ofCombinatorial Optimization, 29(4), 781-795, 2015.
8. An Zhang*: On the optimalityof the LP-based algorithm for online sche****ng with GoS eligibilityconstraints. Operations Research Letters, 43(5), 522-525, 2015.
9. Long Wan, An Zhang*:Coordinated sche****ng on parallel machines with batch delivery,International Journal of Production Economics, 150, 199-203, 2014.
10. Zhiyi Tan, Yong Chen, An Zhang*:On the exact bounds of SPT for sche****ng on parallel machines withavailability constraints. International Journal of ProductionEconomics, 146(1), 293-299, 2013.
1. National Natural Science Foundationof China (No. 11771114): Operations Research in ContainerTerminals:Sche****ngModels and Algorithms. 2018 – 2021.
2. Zhejiang Provincial Natural ScienceFoundation of China (No. LY16A010015): The minsum-criteria problemson some new sche****ng models. 2016 - 2018.
3. National Natural Science Foundationof China (No. 11201105): A Study of Modern Sche****ng in TwoComplicated Machine Environments. 2013 - 2015.