Personal information
Name: Ling Chen
Office: Room 416, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Telephone: (86)-571-87713552
Sep.1978-July.1982, B.S. in Science, Department of Mathematics, ZhejiangNormal University, P. R. China
Jun.2002-Dec. 2005, Ph. D in Science, Department of Applied Mathematics,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, P. R. China
Professional Working Experience
1982-1986, Lecture, Hangzhou NormalSchool, Hangzhou, P. R. China
1987-1994, Lecture, Department of BasicTeaching, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, P.R. China
1995-2000,Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and OperationsResearch, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, P.R. China
2001-2010, Professor, School ofMathematics and Statistics, Zhejiang University of Finance andEconomics, Hangzhou, P. R. China.
2010-present, Professor, School ofScience, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
1998-1999: Visiting Scholar, Departmentof Applied Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, P. R.China
2007-2009, Postdoctoral Fellow, TheHong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, P. R. China
My research interests are mathematicaloptimization and numerical multilinear algebra, which include:generalized Newton-type methods and their applications, numericaloptimization and their applications, tensor computation andpolynomial optimization, variational inequality and complementarityproblems, set-valued ****ysis and multi-objective optimization,stochastic programming.
Selected Publications
Ling, C. Yan, W. J., He, H. J. and Qi,L., Further study on tensor absolute value equations, SCIENCE CHINA,Mathematics,
Ling, L. Y., Ling, C. and He, H. J.,Properties of the solution set of generalized polynomialcomplementarity problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 16,155-174, 2020.
Yan, W. J.,Ling, C., Ling, L. Y. and He, H. J., Generalized tensor equationswith leading structured tensors, Applied Mathematics and Computation,391, 311-324, 2019.
He, H. J., Ling, C., Qi, L. and Zhou,G. L., A globally and quadratically convergent algorithm for solvingmultilinear systems with M-tensors, Journal of Scientific Computing,76, 1718-1741, 2018. Ling, L. Y., He, H. J. and Ling, C., On errorbounds of polynomial complementarity problems with structuredtensors, Optimization, 67, 341-358, 2018.
Yu, W.,Ling, C. and He, H. J., On the properties of tensor complementarityproblems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 14, 675-691, 2018.
Ling, C., He, H.J. and Qi, L., Improvedapproximation results on standard quartic polynomial optimization,Optimization Letters, 11, 1767-1782, 2017.
Ling, C., He, H. J. and Qi, L.,Higher-degree eigenvalue complementarity problems for tensors,Computational Optimization and Applications, 64, 149-176, 2016.
He, H. J., Ling, C. and Xu, H. K., Animplementable splitting algorithm for the L1-norm regularized splitfeasibility problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 67, 281-298,2016.
Ling, C., He, H. J. and Qi, L., On thecone eigenvalue complementarity problem for higher-order tensors,Computational Optimization and Applications, 63, 143-168, 2016.
Zheng, L. A. and Ling, C. A **oothingprojected Levenberg-Marquardt type algorithm for solving constrainedequations, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 36,1353-1374, 2015.
Jin, P., Ling, C. and Shen, H. F., A**oothing Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for semi-infiniteprogramming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 60,675-695, 2015.
Ling, C., Zhang, X. Z and Qi, L.,Approximation bound ****ysis for the standard multi-quadraticoptimization problem, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 11, 257-278,2015.
Ling, C., Wang, G. F. and He, H. J., Anew Levenberg-Marquardt type algorithm for solving non**oothconstrained equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 229,107-122, 2014.
Ling, C. and Qi, L., $l^{k,s}$-Singularvalues and spectral radius of rectangular tensors, Front. Math.China, 8, 63-83, 2013.
Hu, S.L., Hu, Z. H., Ling, C. and Qi,L., On determinants and eigenvalue theory of tensors, Journal ofSymbolic Computation, 50, 508-531, 2013.
Tong, X. J., Ling, C., Wu, S. Y. andQi, L., Semi-infinite programming method for optimal power flowwith transient stability and variable clearing time of faults,Journal of Global Optimization, 55, 813-830, 2013.
Yin, H. X., Ling, C. and Qi, L., Smoothand semi**ooth Newton methods for constrained approximation andestimation, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 33,558-589, 2012.
Zhang, X. Z. Ling, C. and Qi, L., Thebest rank-1 approximation of a symmetric tensor and related sphericaloptimization problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis andApplications, 33, 806-821 2012.
Ling, C., Zhang, X. and Qi, L.,Semidefinite relaxation approximation for multivariate bi-quadraticoptimization with quadratic constraints, Numerical Linear Algebrawith Applications, 19, 113-131 , 2012.
Bomze, I. M., Ling, C., Qi, L. andZhang, X., Standard bi-quadratic optimization problems andunconstrained polynomial reformulations, Journal of GlobalOptimization, 52, 663-687, 2012.
Ling, C. and Qi, L., Some results on$l^k$-eigenvalues of tensor and related spectral radius, NumericalAlgebra, Control and Optimization, 1, 381-388, 2011.
Zhang, X., Ling, C. and Qi, L.,Semidefinite relaxation bounds for bi-quadratic optimizationproblems with quadratic constraints, Journal of Global Optimization,49, 293-311, 2011.
Ling, C., Qi, L., Zhou, G. andCaccetta, L., Properties of expected residual functions arising fromstochastic complementarity problems, Pacific Journal ofOptimization, 7, 249-262, 2011.
Ling, C., Yin, H. and Zhou, G, A**oothing Newton-Type method for solving the $L_2$ spectralestimation problem with lower and upper bounds, ComputationalOptimization and Applications, 50, 351-378, 2011.
Ling, C., Ni, Q., Qi, L. and Wu, S. Y.,A new **oothing Newton-type algorithm for semi-infinite programming,Journal of Global Optimization, 47, 133-157, 2010.
Lopez, M. A., Wu, S. Y., Ling, C. andQi, L., An infinite-dimensional mathematical programming approach toseparation in $L_p(X,A,µ)$, Journal of Convex Analysis, 17, 211-227,2010.
Ling, C., Nie, J. W. Qi, L. and Ye, Y.Y., Bi-quadratic optimization over unit spheres and semidefiniteprogramming relaxations, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20, 1286-1310,2009.
Qi, L., Ling, C., Tong, X. J. and Zhou,G., A **oothing projected Newton-type algorithm for semi-infiniteprogramming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 42, 1-30,2009.
Ling, C., Qi, L., Zhou, G. andCaccetta, L., The SC1 properties of expected residual functionsarising from stochastic complementarity problems, Operation ResearchLetter, 36, 456-460, 2008.
Tong, X. J., Ling, C. and Qi, L., Asemi-infinite programming algorithm for solving optimal power flowwith transient stability constraints, Journal of Computational andApplied Mathematics, 217, 432-447, 2008.
Yin, H. X., Ling, C. and Qi, L.,Convergence rate of Newton’s method for $L_2$ spectral estimation,Mathematical Programming, 107, 539-546, 2006.
Ni, Q., Ling, C., Qi, L. and Teo, K.L., A truncated projected Newton-type algorithm for large scalesemi-infinite programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 16,1137-1154, 2006.
Ling, C., Qi, L., Zhou, G. L. and Wu,S. Y., Global convergence of a robust **oothing SQP method forsemi-infinite programming, Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications, 129, 147-164, 2006.
Qi, L., Shapiro, A. and Ling, C.,Differentiability and semi**oothness properties of integralfunctions and their applications, Mathematical Programming, 102,223-248, 2005.
Ling, C., Chen, X. J., Fukushima, M.and Qi, L., A **oothing implicit programming approach for solving aclass of stochastic generalized semi-infinite programming problems,Pacific Journal of Optimization, 1, 127-145, 2005.
Hu, Y. D. and Ling, C., The generalizedoptimality conditions of multiobjective programming in topologicalvector space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 290,363-372, 2004. Ling, C., Generalized tangent epiderivative andapplications to set-valued map optimization, Journal of Nonlinear andConvex Analysis, 3, 303-313, 2002.
Hu, Y. D. and Ling, C., Connectednessof cone superefficient point sets in locally convex topologicalvector spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107,433-446, 2000.
Shi, D. S. and Ling, C., Minimaxtheorems and cone saddle points of uniformly sameorder vector-valuedfunctions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 84,575-587, 1995.
Theoretic****ysis and algorithms for a class of tensor equations andpolynomial optimization problems
No. 11971138, Year: 2020-2023
National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, P. R. China
Some theory and algorithms foreigenvalue complementarity of tensors and related polynomialoptimization problems,
No. 11571087, Year: 2016-2019
National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, P. R. China
Approximate algorithms for multiplehomogeneous polynomial optimizations and their applications,
No. 11171083, Year: 2012-2015
National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, P. R. China
On Research of Newton-type IterativeAlgorithms for Semi-Infinite Variational Inequality,
National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, P. R. China
Theoretical ****ysis of solutions andalgorithmic design for higher-order tenser equations and some relatedoptimization problems,
No.LY19A010019, Year: 2019-2021
Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince, P. R. China
Study on algorithms for structuralnon-**ooth constrained equations and related optimization problems,
No.LZ14A010003, Year: 2014-2017
Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince, P. R. China
Fast approximation algorithms formultiple homogeneous polynomial optimization problems and theirapplications in medical imaging,
Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince, P. R. China
Research on models and algorithms oflocal power system security and stability margin problems,
No. Y606168, Year: 2007-2008
Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince, P. R. China