HE Zerong - 何泽荣





Office: Room300-1,6th BuildingSouth-Middle,Hangzhou Dianzi Universityat Xiasha,Hangzhou. 

Currentoccupation: School of Sciences,Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86915159

E-Mail: zrhe@hdu.edu.cn


Sep.1980-July1984, B.S. inScience, Department of Mathematics, SichuanNormal University,P. R. China

Sep.1987-June 1990, Master in Science, Departmentof Mathematics,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity, P. R. China

Sep.2000-Dec.2003,Ph. D in Science, Department of Mathematics,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity, P. R. China

ProfessionalWorking Experience

1984-2000,Lecturer / AssociateProfessor, Departmentof Mathematics, Chongqing Three Gorges College, P. R. China

2001-2004,Associate Professor, School of Sciences,Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2005-present,Professor, School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China


Myresearch interests include MathematicalModelling, Analysis and Control for biological populations, among theproblems concerned are well-posedness, long-term behaviors, stabilityof steady states, numerical methods, controllability and optimalcontrol (e.g. optimal harvesting, optimal birth control, optimalboundary control).Agreat deal of efforts has been paid onto the structured populationdynamics.


  1. Ze-RongHe. Optimal birth control of age-dependent competitive species. J.Math. Anal. Appl., 296(2004): 286-301.

  2. Ze-RongHe. Optimal birth control of age-dependent competitive species. II.Free horizon problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 305(2005): 11-28.

  3. Ze-RongHe, Ji-Shu Cheng, Chun-Guo Zhang. Optimal birth control ofage-dependent competitive species. III. Overtaking problem. J. Math.Anal. Appl., 337(2008): 21-35.

  4. Z.He, M. Wang, Z. Ma. Optimal birth control problems for nonlinearage-structured population dynamics. Discrete and ContinuousDynamical Systems (Series B), 4(2004): 589-594.

  5. Ze-RongHe. Optimal harvesting of two competing species with age dependence.Nonlinear Analysis: RWA, 7(2006): 769-788.

  6. Ze-RongHe, Shi-Huang Hong, Chun-Guo Zhang. Double control problems ofage-distributed population dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: RWA,10(2009): 3112-3121.

  7. Ze-RongHe, Yan Liu. An optimal birth control problem for a dynamicalpopulation model with size-structure. Nonlinear Analysis: RWA,13(2012): 1369-1378.

  8. Ze-RongHe, Rong Liu. Theory of optimal harvesting for a nonlinearsize-structured population in periodic environments. InternationalJournal of Biomathematics, 7(2014), 1450046.

  9. ZerongHe, Dongdong Ni, Yan Liu. Theory and approximation of solutions to aharvested hierarchical age-structured population model. Journal ofApplied Analysis and Computation, 8(2018): 1326-1341.

  10. Ze-RongHe, Nan Zhou. Controllability and stabilization of a hierarchicalage-structured competing system. Electronic Journal of DifferentialEquations, 2020(58)(2020): 1-16.


  1. Evolutionbehaviors and control problems of hierarchical population systems.No. 11871185,years:2019-2022.National NaturalScienceFoundation ofChina , P. R. China.

  2. Mathematicalmodelling and research for population control problems in theperspective of body size. No. 11271104, years: 2013-2016. NationalNatural ScienceFoundation ofChina , P. R. China.

  3. Modellingand Research for control problems in age-distributed multi-species.No. 10771048, years: 2008-2010. NationalNatural ScienceFoundation ofChina , P. R. China.