ZHAO Chaoying - 赵超樱



Personal information

Name: ChaoyingZhao

Office: Room400-1, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha,Hangzhou  

Current occupation:School of Science, Hangzhou DianziUniversity

Telephone: (86)-571-86873874

E-Mail: zchy49@hdu.edu.cn


Sep. 1997-July.2001,B.S. in Science, Department of Physics,Qufu Normal University, P. R. China

Sep. 2001-July2006, Ph. D in Science, Department ofPhysics, ShanghaiUniversity, P. R. China

Professional WorkingExperience

2006-2008,Lecture, School of Science, Hangzhou DianziUniversity, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2008-2019,Associate Professor, School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2019-present,Professor, School of Science, HangzhouDianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2012-2013,Visiting Scholar, MichiganUniversity, U.S.A

2013,Master Tutor

2017-2018,Visiting Scholar, FloridaInternational University, U.S.A


My theoreticalresearch interests include Nonlinear andQuantum Optics, Integrated Optics.And I also do some works such asPropagation ****ysis oflight rays andthree-dimensional Fourier transform frequency spectrum.The research works that I have completed in the past include:

1.Theoreticalstudy on self-focusing effect and primarygeometrical aberration of high power laser.

2.Theoreticalstudy on nonlinear effect, quantumcoherence effect and sensing characteristics insolid-state optical micro-cavity.

3.Generationand application of multi-particlecontinuous variable entangled states in non-degenerateoptical parametric amplifiers.

4.Theoreticalstudy on the manipulation and measurement of entangled states in coldatomic gas.

5.Theoreticalstudy on the physical mechani** of thepreparation, tran**ission and measurement of Orbitalangular momentum.


1.ZhaoC.Y.*,Fan Y.T.,Meng Y.C.,Guo Q.Z.,Tan W.H.,Orbitalangular momentum mode of cylindrical spiral wave-guide,ActaPhysica Sinica,69(5),054207,2020.

2.ZhaoC.Y.*,Tan W.H.,Analyticalsolution of three-dimensional Fourier transform frequency spectrumfor three-level potassium atomic gas, ActaPhysica Sinica,69(2),020201,2020.

3.ZhaoC.Y.*,Zhang C. M., Electromagneticallyinduced transparency-like tran**ission characteristics of wave-guidecoupledto micro-sphereresonator,Pramana-J.Phys.,92(1),13,2019.

4.Guo Q.Z.*,Meng Y. C., ZhaoC. Y.,Tan W. H., Analogybetween the four-wave mixing in atom gas system and that in opticalfiber double micro-ring system,Can.J. Phys., 97(2):216-221,2019.

5.ZhaoC.Y.*,ZhangL., LiaoJ. X.,Compactsilicon-on-insulator asymmetric embedded dual micro-ring resonatorsfor sensing,Opt.Eng.,57(5),056106,2018.

6.ZhaoC.Y.*,Zhang L., Zhang C. M., CompactSOI optimized slot micro-ringcoupled phase-shifted Bragg grating resonator for sensing,Opt.Commun.,414,212-216,2018.

7.ZhaoC.Y.*,TanW.H.,Tran**issionperformance of one wave-guide and double micro-ring resonator using3*3 optical-fiber coupler,J.Mod. Opt.,63(17),1726-1733,2016.


1.Theapplication of atomic gas multi-photon Compton Scattering in thediagnosis of two-dimensional coherent spectrum Dicke state,

No. KF202004,Year: 2020-2021

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

2.Studyon EIT like spectral characteristics of multi-mode opticalmicro-cavity system,

No. KF201801,Year: 2018-2019

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

3.Investigationof EIT-like effect and quantum entanglement characteristics of high Qvalue multi-micro-cavity coupled system,

No. 11504074,Year: 2016-2018

National NaturalFoundation of China, P. R. China

4.Quantumproperties of continuous variable multi-color entangled states innon-degenerate optical parametric amplification system,

No. KF201601,Year: 2016-2017

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

5.Studyon the quantum coherence characteristics of high Q-valuemulti-micro-cavity coupling system,

No. KF201401,Year: 2014-2015

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

6.Studyon the entanglement of narrow band two particles,

No. KF201201,Year: 2012-2013

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

7.Quantumentanglement of high dimensional mixed state system,

No. 200904,Year: 2010-2011

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China

8.Theoreticalstudy on quantum entanglement of mode-locked non-degenerate opticalparametric amplifiers,

No. 070101,Year: 2008-2009

National Key Laboratoryfund of the Ministry of science and technology,P. R. China