Personal information
Name: Jun Xin
Office: Room 536, 6th BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: Department ofPhysics, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
Telephone: (86)-18457158599
Sep. 2008-July.2012, B.S. in Science,College of mathematics, physics and electronic informationengineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, P. R. China.
Sep. 2012-July 2017, Ph.D inScience, State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School ofPhysics and Materials Science, East China Normal University,Shanghai, P. R. China.
Professional Working Experience
Nov. 2015-Feb. 2016, Visiting scholar,Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
July. 2018, Oral report, “TripartiteEntanglement with Four-Wave Mixing in Hot Atomic Vapor”, 4thNational symposium of young quantum physics scholars, Hangzhou DianziUniversity, Hangzhou, P. R. China.
Sep. 2019, Oral report, “Applicationresearch of the cascaded four-wave mixing processes”, Youth Forumof optical quantum information, Shanxi University, Shanxi, P. R.China.
My major is quantum optics. My researchinterests include quantum parametric amplification, quantumentanglement and quantum metrology. Recently, I also do somepractical work such as super-resolution imaging based on quantumstatistics.
[1]Jun Xin*, Xiao-Ming Lu, Xingmin Li and Guolong Li,One-sided device-independent quantum key distribution for twoindependent parties, Opt.Express 28, 11439 (2020).
[2] JunXin*, Xiao-Ming Lu, Xingmin Li and Guolong Li, Optimal phase pointfor SU(1,1) interferometer, J.Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 2824 (2019).
[3]Jun Xin*, Xiao-Ming Lu, Guolong Li and Jietai Jing, Generation ofquadripartite unlockable bound entanglement from cascaded four-wavemixing processes, Phys.Rev. A 99, 053840 (2019).
[4]Jun Xin, Xiao-Ming Lu, Hailong Wang and Jietai Jing*, Preservingquantum entanglement from parametric amplifications with acorrelation modulation scheme, Phys.Rev. A 99, 013813 (2019).
[5]Shengshuai Liu, Yanbo Lou, Jun Xin* and Jietai Jing*, QuantumEnhancement of Phase Sensitivity for the Bright-Seeded SU(1,1)Interferometer with Direct Intensity Detection, Phys.Rev. Applied 10, 064046 (2018).
[6]Jun Xin, Jian Qi and Jietai Jing*, Enhancement of entanglement usingcascaded four-wave mixing processes, Opt.Lett. 42, 366 (2017).
[7]Jun Xin, Jinming Liu and Jietai Jing*, Nonlinear Sagnacinterferometer based on the four-wave mixing process, Opt.Express 25, 1350 (2017).
[8]Jian Qi, Jun Xin, Hailong Wang* and Jietai Jing*, Characterizationof the pairwise correlations in different quantum networks consistingof four-wave mixers and beamsplitters. ChinesePhys. B 26, 074214 (2017).
[9]Jun Xin, Hailong Wang and Jietai Jing*, The effect of losses on thequantum-noise cancellation in the SU(1,1) interferometer, Appl.Phys. Lett. 109, 051107 (2016).
[10] Yami Fang, Zhongzhong Qin, Hailong Wang, Leiming Cao, Jun Xin,Jingliang Feng, Weiping Zhang and Jietai Jing*, Quantum opticaldevices based on four-wave mixing in hot rubidium vapor, ScienceChina Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 58, 064201 (2015).
[1]National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 61905054.
[2] ZhejiangProvincial Natural Science Foundation of China No. LQ19A040008.