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Personal information
Name: Yanan Li
Office: Room 538, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Sep. 2002-July.2006, B.S. in Electricaland Automation Engineering, School of Electrical and AutomationEngineering, Nanjing Normal University, P. R. China
Sep. 2006-July 2011, Ph. D in Optics,Anhui Institutes of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy ofScience
Professional Working Experience
2019-present, Associate Researcher,School of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou, P. R. China
2011-2019, Associate Researcher, HefeiInstitutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Science
My research interests include Radiationdetection and imaging, Optical radiation characteristic of target,and quantum imaging. And I also do some practical engineering workssuch as design of radiation detection and imaging system. Theresearch works that I have completed in the past include:
Design and fabrication of multi-leafcollimator in radiotherapy.
Design of neutron radiography imagingsystem.
Selected Publications
(1)YananLi(#)(*),Taosheng Li, Gang Song, Mohamed Mazunga, Response improved forneutron long counter, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2015, 164(1-2):93-96.
(2)JieWang(#),Yanan Li(*),Yongfeng Wang, Taosheng Li, Zaodi Zhang, Desgin and optimization offast neutron radiography system based on high-intensity D-T fusionneutron generator, Nuclear Technology, 2019, 205(7): 978-986.
(3)MohamedMazunga (#),Taosheng Li, Bing Hong, Yongfeng Wang(*), YananLi, Xiang Ji, Designof an Extended Range Long Counter Using Super Monte Carlo Simulation,Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2017, 175(3): 413-417.
(4)Bing hong(#),Chao Liu, Yongfeng Wang(*),Mohamed Mazunga, YananLi, Calibration of anenergy extended long counter for neutron fluence determination of thehigh energy neutron field, Nuclear Technology, 2018, 201(2): 174-179.
(5)YananLi, Xiaobing Sun,Yongna Mao, Yanli Qiao, Jin Hong, Spectral polarizationcharacteristic of space target, Infrared and laser engineering, 2012,40(1): 205-210.
(6)YananLi, XiaobingSun,Yanli Qiao, Waveband Selection for Space Target Detection andIdentification, Acta Optica Sinica, 2009, 29(1): 67-71.
(7)YananLi, Xiaobing Sun,Yanli Qiao, Jin Hong, Qiao Zhang, Photopolarimetric Characteristic ofSpace Target, Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2010, 37(7): 24-29.
Researchon energy extension method for compensated long counter, No.11505219, Year: 2016-2018,National Natural Foundation of China, P. R.China
Patents Granted
Asynchronous real-time multi-leaf collimator control system,
YananLi, Jieqiong Jiang,Ruifen Cao, Xi Pei, Yican Wu
China,ZL 201511032928.9. Date Granted September 2018
Akind of directional wide energy neutron monitor,
YananLi, Taosheng Li,M.Mohammed, Yican Wu
China,ZL 201510289411.1. Date Granted Feberary 2018
Ahigh sensitive environmental neutron spectrum ****ysis system for**all fast reactor,
YicanWu, Yanan Li, ChaoLiu, Taosheng Li, Yongfeng Wang
China,ZL201611236357.5. Date Granted December 2017
Adiamond semiconductor recoil proton telescope,
YicanWu, Chao Liu, Yanan Li,Taosheng Li, Jieqiong Jiang
China,ZL 201710432465.8. Date Granted August 2017