LI Xingmin - 李兴敏




Name:Xingmin Li

Office: Room542, 6th Building South, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha,Hangzhou  

Currentoccupation: School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86878543



Sep.2006-July.2010, M.S. in Science, School of Physics and PhysicalEngineering, Qufu Normal University, P. R. China

Sep.2010-Apr. 2013, B.S in Science, School of Science, ChangchunUniversity of Science and Technology, P. R. China

Aug.2013-June. 2016, Ph.D in Science, School of Physics, Sun Yat-SenUniversity, P. R. China

ProfessionalWorking Experience

2016-2018,Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, P. R.China

2018-present,Lecture, School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P.R. China


Myresearch interests include Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.The research works that I have completed in the past include:

Designablesingle-photon quantum routing.



  1. X.Li, L. Xie, and L. F.Wei, Atomic lenses and ideal single-photon detections, Phys. Rev. A92, 063840 (2015).

  2. X.Li, and L. F. Wei,Designable single-photon quantum routings with atomic mirrors, Phys.Rev. A 92, 063836 (2015).

  3. X.Li, and L.F. Wei,Probing a single dipolar interaction between a pair of two-levelquantum system by scatterings of single photons in an asidewaveguide, Opt. Commun. 366, 163-167 (2016).

  4. X.Li, and L.F. Wei,Periodically modulated single-photon transport in one-dimensionalwaveguide, Opt. Commun. 410, 305-309 (2018).

  5. X.Li, and L.F. Wei,Ideal photonic absorption, emission, and routings in chiralwaveguides, Opt. Commun. 425, 13-18 (2018).


  1. Researchon chiral modulating optical quantum router based on the ringresonator,

No.11947009, Year: 2020.01-2020.12

National Natural Foundation ofChina, P. R. China

  1. Researchon single photons coherent transport and photonic devices designbased on quantum optical waveguide theory

No.LQ20A040006, Year: 2020.01-2022.12

ZhejiangProvincial Natural Science Foundation of China, P. R. China