Personal information
Name: JiaKong
Office: Room400-1,6th Building Sounth,Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation:School of Science, Hangzhou DianziUniversity
Sep. 2011-July2015, Ph. D in Science,State Key Laboratory ofPrecision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University,Shanghai, P. R. China
Sep. 2008-July.2011,Master’s in Science, Departmentof Physics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, P. R. China
Sep. 2004-July.2008,B.S. in Science, Department ofPhysics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, P. R. China
Professional WorkingExperience
2018-present,Professor, School of Science, Hangzhou DianziUniversity, Hangzhou, P. R. China
2016-2018, ICFOnest + Marie Curie Cofund research fellow,ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences,Barcelona,Spain
2015-2016, Postdoctoral Fellow, ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences,Barcelona,Spain
Research topics focusedon quantum precision measurement and quantum enhanced sensing,including spin squeezing, quantum entanglement, quantumnon-demolition measurements, atomic magnetometer,nonlinear interferometry, squeezed light probing and related topics.The main results (more than 10) have been published on internationalscientific journals, such as, Physical Review Letters, Naturecommunications and so on.
JiaKong, R.J.-Martínez, C. Troullinou,V. G. Lucivero, and M. W. Mitchell,Measurement-induced,spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting
atomicsystem,NatureCommunications 11:2415(2020).
F. Hudelist,Jia Kong,CunjinLiu, Jietai Jing, Z. Y. Ou, and Weiping Zhang,Quantum metrology with parametric amplifier-based photon correlationinterferometers,NatureCommunications5:3049(2014).
JiaKong,F. Hudelist, Z.Y. Ou, and W. Zhang,Cancellation of Internal Quantum Noise of an Amplifierby Quantum Correlation,PhysicalReview Letters111,033608 (2013).
JiaKong,J. Jing, H. Wang, F. Hudelist, C. Liu, and W. Zhang, Experimentalinvestigation of the visibility dependence in a nonlinearinterferometer using parametric amplifiers,AppliedPhysics Letters102,011130 (2013).
JiaKong,Z. Y. Ou, and W. Zhang,Phase-measurement sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit inan interferometer consisting of a parametric amplifier and a beamsplitter,PhysicalReview A87, 023825 (2013).
JiaKong,V.G. Lucivero1. R.J.-Martínez, and M. W. Mitchell,Long-term laser frequency stabilization using fiberinterferometers,
Reviewof Scientific Instruments86, 073104 (2015).
A Wideband Offset-FedSingle Split Ring Resonator,
No. 11974065, Year:2019-2022
National NaturalFoundation of China, , P. R. China
Title:Generation and manipulation of structured quantum spin correlationsin 87Rb atomic ensembles (ICFOnest + Marie Curie Cofund fellowship);P.I.: Jia Kong; Dates: 2016/03/01-2018/02/28.
Title:Experimentalstudy of quantum precision measurement (HDUspecial term professor starting grand );P.I.: Jia Kong; Dates: 2020/03/01-2025/02/28.