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Personal information
Name: Wen-Jia Rao (饶文嘉)
Office: Room 534, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
Current occupation: School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University
Telephone: (86)-0571-86919032
Sep. 2007-July.2011, B.S. in Physics,Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, P. R. China
Aug. 2011-July 2016, Ph. D in Physics,Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, P. R. China
Professional Working Experience
2018-Present, Lecturer, School ofScience, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
2016-2018, Postdoctoral Fellow,Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, P. R. China
My research interests include:
Dynamics of many-body localizationin isolated quantum systems.
Random matrix theory and itsapplication in complex systems.
Machine learning applications incondensed matter physics.
Topological states inlow-dimensional quantum systems with strong interactions.
Selected Publications
W.-J. Rao*, Wigner Surmise forHigher Order Level Spacings in Random MatrixTheory, arXiv:2005.08721.
W.-J. Rao*, Machine learning themany-body localization transition in random spin systems, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 30 395902 (2018).
W.-J. Rao*, Z. Li, Q. Zhu, M. Luo,and X. Wan, Identifying Product Order with Restricted BoltzmannMachines, Phys. Rev. B 97, 094207 (2018).
W.-J. Rao*, G.-M. Zhang, and K.Yang, Quantum antiferromagnetic Heisenberg half-odd integer spinmodel as the entanglement Hamiltonian of the integer spinAffleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115125 (2016).
W.-J. Rao*, X. Wan, and G.-M.Zhang, Critical entanglement spectrum of one-dimensional symmetryprotected topological phases, Phys. Rev. B 90, 075151 (2014).
Project Supported by the NationalScience Foundation for Young Scientists of China
No. 11904069,Year: 2020-2022
National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China
Special Fund of TheoreticalPhysics
No.11847005, Year: 2019-2020
National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China
Patents Granted