DING Hualin - 丁华霖


Photo (个人近照)

Personal information

Name: Ding Hualin

Office: Room 538, 6nd Buildingsouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation: School of Sciences,Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86919036

E-Mail: hlding@hdu.edu.cn


Sep. 2004-July. 2008, B.S. in Physics,Department of Physics, Sichuan Normal University, P. R. China

Sep. 2008-June. 2013, Ph. D inCondensed Matter Physics, Institute of Solid Physics, Chinese Academyof Sciences, P. R. China

Professional Working Experience

2013-2017, Postdoctoral Fellow,Institute of Solid Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, P. R.China

2017-present, Assistant professor,School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

2019-2020, Visiting scholar, School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,Singapore


My research interests include rationaldesign of sophisticated core/shell and mesoporous nanostructures forcatalysis, fuel cells, energy conversion and storage applications.

Selected Publications

1. Wang, J. J.;Ding, H. L. (co-author); Duan, G. T. *; Zhou, H. Y.;Song, C. S.; Pan, J. Q.; Li, C. R. * Morphology-Controllable GoldHierarchically Micro/Nanostructured Arrays Prepared byElectrodeposition on Colloidal Monolayer and Their StructurallyRelated Wettability. Chem. Phys., 2019, 523, 63-69.

2. Ding, H. L.; Zhang, Y.X.; Xu, S. C.; Li, G. H.* A Wrinkle to Sub-100 nm Yolk/shellFe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles. NanoRes.,2016, 9, 3632-3643.

3. Ding,H. L.; Zhang, Y. X.; Li, G. H.* Recent ResearchProgress on Magnetic Nanocomposites with Silica Shell Structures:Preparation and Nanotheranostic Applications. Recent Pat.Nanotech., 2014, 8, 117-128.

4. Ding, H.L.; Zhang, Y. X.*; Wang, S.; Xu, J. M.; Xu, S. C.; Li, G. H.*Fe3O4@SiO2 Core/Shell Nanoparticles:The Silica Coating Regulations with a Single Core for Different CoreSizes and Shell Thicknesses. Chem. Mater.,2012,24, 4572-4580. (cited: 266)

5. Xu, S. C.*; Ding, H. L.;Pan, S. S.; Luo, Y. Y.; Li, G. H.* Electric-field-enhancedphotocatalytic removal of Cr(VI) under sunlight of TiO2nanograss mesh with nondestructive regeneration and feasiblecollection for Cr(III). ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2016, 4,6887-6893.


1. Confinement growth of goldnanoparticles on ordered mesoporous iron oxides and catalyticactivity,

No. LY19E010009, Year: 2019-2021

Natural Science Foundation of ZhejiangProvince, P. R. China

2.Confinement growth of goldnanoparticles and catalytic activity of FeOx-Au@SiO2nanostructures,

No. 51502298, Year: 2016-2018

National Natural Foundation of China,P. R. China