LI Heping - 李和平



Personal information

Name: Li Heping

Office: Room 542, 6nd BuildingSouth, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou  

Current occupation: School of Science,Hangzhou Dianzi University

Telephone: (86)-571-86878543



Sep.2005-June 2009, B.S. in ThermalEnergy and Power Engineering, College of Water Resource &Hydropower, Sichuan University, P. R. China

Sep.2009-June 2014, Ph.D in Power andEngineering Thermophysics, State Key Lab of Clean Energy Utilization,College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, P. R. China

June 2018-June 2019, Visiting Scholarin School of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, UK

Professional Working Experience

2014-present, Lecturer, Institute forEnergy Studies, School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou, P. R. China

2015-present, Postdoctoral Fellow,State Key Lab of Clean Energy Utilization, College of EnergyEngineering, Zhejiang University, P. R. China


Myresearch focuses on metal fuels (for example, pureboron\aluminum\aluminum hydride, metal-contained mixtures ormetal-based propellant), using the methods of experiment and theory,including some simulations, and including (1)Physical and ChemicalProperties Analysis, Decomposition/Combustion Diagnosis andMechani**s of Metal Fuels; (2)Modification of Metal Fuels;(3)Micro-combustion Test Bench.


  1. Heping Li, Daolun Liang*, Minghui Yu, Jianzhong Liu, YangWang, Aimin Pang*, Gen Tang, Xuefeng Huang, Study on dehydrogenationand oxidation kinetics mechani**s of micro α-AlH3 in anoxidative atmosphere[J], International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Accepted. (SCI indexed)

  2. Heping Li, Daolun Liang*, Jianzhong Liu, Nano-carbides asaccelerants for boron oxidation reaction[J], Journal of ThermalAnalysis and Calorimetry, Published online: 27 March 2020. (SCIindexed)

  3. Li, HepingAo,WenWang,Yang*Zhou,HuaLiu,JianzhongZhou,Junhu, Effect of carbon dioxide on the reactivity of the oxidationof boron particles[J], Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics,2014,39(4):617-623. (SCI indexed)

  4. He-ping Li*, Ming-hui Yu, Jian-zhong Liu, Xue-feng Huang,Ai-min Pang, Effect of particle size and atmosphere on the thermaldecomposition and oxidation characteristics of aluminum hydride[C],4th Interantional Conference in Aerospace for Young Scientists,October 12th~13th 2019, Beijing, P.R. China. (InternationalConference)

  5. Muye Feng, Heping Li, Qian Mao, Kai H.Luo*, Paul Helier,Fundamental Study on Mechani**s of Thermal Decomposition andOxidation of Aluminum Hydride[J], The Journal of Physical ChemistryC,2019,123(40):24436-24445. (SCI indexed)

  6. LI He-ping, YANG Wei-juan, WANG Yang*, AO Wen, LIUJian-zhong, ZHOU Jun-hu, Ignition and combustion characteristics ofboron-containing fuels in mini-tubes[J], Journal of ZhejiangUniversity (Engineering Science), 2014, 48(05):917-922. (EI indexed)

  7. LI He-ping, WANG Zong-tao, WANG Yang*, YANG Wei-juan, AO Wen,Xi Jian-fei, LIU Jian-zhong, ZHOU Jun-hu, Experimental Research onIgnition and Combustion Properties of Boron-containing Fuels inMini-tubes[J], JOURNAL OF PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 35(04):559-564. (EI indexed)

  8. LI He-ping, WANG Yang, YANG Wei-juan*, LIU Jian-zhong, XiJian-fei, ZHOU Jun-hu, Cen Ke-fa, Effect of oxalic acid on ignitionand combustion properties of B/AP complex fuels in mini-tubes[J].Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2013, 36(06):780-785. (EIindexed)

  9. LI He-ping, WANG Yang*, ZHOU Jun-hu, LIU Jian-zhong, Ao Wen,YANG Wei-juan, Cen Ke-fa, Heat transfer and burning rate studies ofB/AP mixture fuels in mini-tubes[J], Journal of Solid RocketTechnology, 2013, 36(05):632-636+646(EIindexed)


2018/01-2020/12Investigationon the kinetics modulation of hydrogen release and the burningmechani** of ɑ-AlH3,and its effect on the energy release of solid propellants(National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 250,000 yuan,Grant No.51706057, as the director)

2019/01-2020/12Investigationon the mechani** of stable storage and hydrogen release of ɑ-AlH3based high-energy propellants(Open Research Fund Program of Science and Technology on AerospaceChemical Power Laboratory, RMB 200,000 yuan, GrantNo.STACPL220181B02-2, as the key cooperator)

2018/01-2021/12Micro-scalecombustion controlled by laser knob(National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 600,000 yuan,Grant No.5177060131, as the cooperator)

2012/01-2014/12Researchof boron combustion under micro environment(National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 250,000 yuan,Grant No.51106135, join)

2014/01-2018/12FundamentalStudy of Combustion in Microscale Dynamic Syestem(National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 3,500,000 yuan,Grant No. 51336010, join)

2007/01-2009/12Researchof stabilizing micro combustion with excess enthalpy and catalyst(National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 200,000 yuan,Grant No. 50606030, join)

2018/01-2020/12Keytechnology research on synchrotron radiation sintering of ash of coaland biomass during combustion and gasification process(Public Projects of Zhejiang Province of China, RMB 150,000 yuan,Grant No. LGG18E060004, join)